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Build4Life Blarney Castle 5k Road Race

Saturday 26 November 2016, 11:00

Road No Yes N/A

Dónal Ahern Memorial 5km Run/Walk 2016



Entry is €10 per person

Registration can be done in one of two ways

1) Online at Event Master - (details to follow).
2) On the morning of the run at the Blarney GAA Clubhouse from 9.00am - 10.30am

(race numbers will be distributed then also)



Donations can also be made in either of two ways:

1) By clicking the web link: Sorry link provided is broken

2) Run/Walk Sponsorship Card – available from Niamh, Stevie and Peter.


  • - The proceeds from this year's 5km run/walk will go towards the funding of three isolated rooms for children with CF. These rooms will be within the children's inpatient ward in Cork University Hospital (CUH)
  • - To date, inpatient facilities for children with CF have been extremely inadequate. There has been little change since our brother was an inpatient in CUH about thirty years ago. Naturally, this is quite startling.
  •  - Children with CF have had to share toilets which greatly increases the chance of infection. Additionally, they have also had daily physiotherapy sessions in public corridors with all the associated risks of cross infection. The more infections a child with CF picks up, the more scarring of the lungs leading to an inevitable shortened life expectancy.
  •  Therefore, the need for these isolated rooms is imperative. The children’s ward has now been moved temporarily to 5A. This will be the case until construction and renovation starts in the original ward on the ground floor in CUH
  • The founder of Build4Life, Joe Browne, is this year’s guest speaker and he will address all at 10.40AM in the GAA grounds.
  •  The run/walk will again commence at 11AM close to the GAA grounds and continue up the avenue to Blarney Castle Estate
  •  It will mirror the route of the highly successful 5km Run/Walk organised by RTE's Operation Transformation February 2015. Check out video of this run below!
  • Refreshments will be available in the GAA Clubhouse afterwards
  •  Please come along and enjoy a scenic run/walk in the beautiful grounds of Blarney Castle while supporting this great cause. This has indeed become unique as it is now the only event taking place at the historic Blarney Castle site. After all, it continues to hold its place as one of the world’s true landmarks and among Ireland's greatest treasures to boot!

    - Buggies, bikes and dogs are not permitted


  •  Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited chronic disease that primarily affects the lungs and digestive system of about 1200 children and adults in Ireland (70,000 worldwide). A defective gene and its protein product cause the body to produce unusually thick, sticky mucus. This mucus clogs the lungs leading to life threatening lung infections, obstructs the pancreas and stops natural enzymes from helping the body to break down/absorb food
  •  The impact of CF can vary from one person to another. There are some people with CF who live until their teens and there are others that live in to their fifties. Ireland has among some of the most severe strains of CF. It also has the highest incidence (per head of population) in the world with three times the rate of the United States and the rest of the European Union.


  •  The below video features Joe Brolly, GAA pundit, on the Late Late Show earlier this year. He asked the audience, who duly obliged, to breathe through a straw whilst pinching their noses for 60 seconds. The aim was to briefly show what minute by minute life can be like for a CF sufferer. If you have not seen this, we would urge you to take a look.
  •  The second link below takes us to the “Perfect Match” documentary which follows Joe Brolly’s kidney donation to Belfast man, Shane Finnegan in October 2012. Shane was seriously ill with renal failure at that time. It tracks the transplant operation through to its unfortunately difficult aftermath. Viewers are also brought into the operating theatre as six lives are potentially saved by the generosity and organs of one donor. Joe is also featured with CF sufferer Gary Dillon from Sligo. Sadly, Gary died awaiting a double lung transplant in 2014. He was 31
  •  It moves on to Joe and Shane’s campaign to transform the success rates of organ donation on the island of Ireland. Viewers are taken behind the scenes of the corridors of power, north and south, as Joe and Shane try to change the organ donation law from consent to “Soft Opt Out”. Despite concerted lobbying by Brolly, the effort ultimately proved unsuccessful.


  •  Under the “Soft Opt Out” system, if you have not registered a clear organ donation decision (opt-in or opt-out), you will be treated as having no objection to being an organ donor. This is called ‘deemed consent'. It is called a soft opt-out system because your family will always be involved in all discussions about donation. Their presence will be required to answer questions about your health, lifestyle and where you lived. They could also say if they knew you did not want to be an organ donor.
  •  Only four EU countries do not have an opt-out system for organ donation : Ireland, UK, Germany and the Netherlands.
  •  Essentially, if Ireland moved to this system, the level of donation would increase significantly thereby giving relevant CF sufferers a far greater chance of increased life expectancy via successful transplantation. Extended quality of life though would be the real reward here.

Many thanks in advance for your support. We would like to re-iterate our appreciation for any contribution you can make - it will unquestionably make a difference.


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Niamh, Stevie or Peter by phone or email - details below.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. : mobile (087) 9055593
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.: mobile (087) 9412391
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. : mobile (087) 2665307


About Us

Cork Athletics County Board is a constituent member of Athletics Ireland. Cork Athletics is the governing body, administering athletics, track and field (T&F), cross-country (XC) and running in county Cork. The Board comprises elected representatives of constituent athletic clubs and running clubs. Cork County Board AAI organises Championship races and competition, including road, track & field (T&F) and Cross-country (XC), at junior, juvenile, senior and masters levels, and selects representation for the county. In addition, training and education is provided for coaches and officials. The Board also regulates the Athletics Ireland race/event permit (licence) process for county Cork.
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