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Entries Open for The Echo Womens Mini-Marathon 2024

Entries are Open Now for 43rd Echo Women's Mini-Marathon

Kennedy Quay, Cork

1pm, Sunday September 22nd 2024

 cork womens mini marathon flyer 2024


Enter 43rd Echo Cork Women's Mini-Marathon


With four months to go to the big day, entries open today, Wednesday May 22nd, for the 43rd Echo Cork Women's Mini-Marathon. The Echo are Flagship Sponsors, for the 42nd consecutive year


cork womens mini marathon banner 2024

 The Echo Mini-Marathon Banner 2024

Charities & Causes

Traditionally, the Mini-Marathon has been a huge, and vital, some would say life-saving, fundraiser for many, many charities and causes, with participant raising an estimated €0.5M each year for their own chosen charities and causes
If you'd like to raise funds, or support a charity, please enter the Mini-Marathon, and then contact your chosen charity directly


Race Information - 43rd The Echo Women's Mini-Marathon 2024

The Course

  The Course is due to be officially re-measured shortly, by World Athletics accredited measurer John Quigley. Once that's done, and the start line position has been verified - finish line is the same as last year - Cork Athletics, in conjunction with title sponsors, The Echo, will post final details of the course

Unfortunately, with all the works being carried out on the Marina, we won't be able to use the traditional Marina/Blackrock/Blackrock Road route this year.  The good news is that the works, which were expected to take some 18 months, now look like finishing towards the end of this year, so we hope to be back to normal for the 2025 event

This year's route starts in approximately the same area as last year, on Kennedy Quay, taking in Victoria Rd, turning left onto Centre Park Rd, and down along to the Marina. We’ll be going down the Marina, along the new road in front of Lee Rowing Club and Cortado Coffee, and on as far as the slip road down to Pairc Ui Chaoimh

From there we go around the Blackrock end of Pairc UI Chaoimh, on the outside, then up between the all-weather pitches and the stadium, and then turn right into the gated GAA car park, and left again after about 100m, out another gate, into the new Marina Park, going up toward the bandstand, then swing left and back down again in front of Pairc Ui Chaoimh, between Pairc Ui Chaoimh itself and the all-weather pitches

At that point, the participants will be going in both directions, with barriers in between. At the end then, after we’ve gone past the all-weather pitches, turn right toward CAB. From there continue straight up Monahan Rd and finish more or less at the same spot as in previous years

The proposed new route has received Garda approval. We hope that the proposed new route will give people, perhaps, their first look at the lovely, and scenic, new Cork City Council Marina Park amenity area

Time Zones

With the intention of enabling a smooth and fast start for everyone, this year's Mini-Marathon will again feature Time Zones. In addition, everyone will start on Mill Road

 The Time zones will be marked on the road leading to the Start Line, with 7 zones in all:


  Zone   5k Finish Time 
Approx. Pace
Zone 1 Sub 20 sub 6:30 Minutes/Mile
Zone 2 20 - 26 Mins 6:30 to 8:30 Minutes/Mile
Zone 3 26 - 30 Mins 8:30 to 9:30 Minutes/Mile
Zone 4 30 - 34 Mins 10 to 11 Minutes/Mile
Zone 5 34 - 37 Mins 11 to 12 Minutes/Mile
Zone 6 37 - 44 Mins 12 to 14 Minutes/Mile
Zone 7 44 Min + 14+ Minutes/Mile


 Time Zones for The Echo Women's Mini-Marathon

How to Use the Time Zones

Runners and walkers should enter the Time Zone most appropriate to their own target finish time.  If all participants adhere to this, it should make for a streamlined start and a pleasant experience for everyone, runner and walker alike.     Each zone will be sized to adequately cater for the estimated numbers (based on previous year's Mini-Marathon finish times) in each section 

There are two primary goals behind the introduction of Time Zones:

  • Improved Safety for Everyone, and
  • A smoother Start for all participants, from the fastest, to those who intend taking their leisure

    If everyone starts in a realistic zone for their own individual abilities, we think that the change will prove a major factor in everyone enjoying their 2024 Mini-Marathon experience

Starting Order

The Wheelchair Group will start at 12:45pm, as always, 15 minutes ahead of the Main Field

At 1pm, the Main Field goes off, with Runners at the Head of the Pack, followed by Walkers, with Participants walking with Buggies/Prams behind them. [Please Note: For Health & Safety, and insurance, reasons, we are unable to accept entries from participants running with Buggies/Prams]

Club Runners

We hope that the changes introduced, in recent years, to the Mini-Marathon will continue to attract club runners in large numbers. The time zones has enabled all runners to get straight into their stride pretty much straight away

Changes for 2024 and Beyond
After last year's event, we surveyed the adult finishers, and got a great response - Thank You!!

 As a result of your responses, we're making a lot of small changes, and some big ones. We are curtailed in what we can do in some bringing back the Marina for 2024 - it's closed for redevelopment... but that should be back for 2025. We're working on many other things and will let you know as soon as we can confirm them.

...We Like It.....We Hope YOU do Too!!


About Us

Cork Athletics County Board is a constituent member of Athletics Ireland. Cork Athletics is the governing body, administering athletics, track and field (T&F), cross-country (XC) and running in county Cork. The Board comprises elected representatives of constituent athletic clubs and running clubs. Cork County Board AAI organises Championship races and competition, including road, track & field (T&F) and Cross-country (XC), at junior, juvenile, senior and masters levels, and selects representation for the county. In addition, training and education is provided for coaches and officials. The Board also regulates the Athletics Ireland race/event permit (licence) process for county Cork.
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