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Cork Athletics Registration Figures - July 31st 2019

Cork Athletics Registration Figures - July 31st 2019


cork athletics registration figures june 30th 2019

July end-of-month registrations for Cork Athletics stand at 7,349. All of Cork Athletics 56 registered clubs now have members registered.

The July figures are a mere 6 registrations up on the July 2018 corresponding figure of 7,343, but are slightly behind the July 2017 figure of 7,424. The corresponding 2016 figure was 6,851, while the July 2015 figure was 6,160. August end-of-month figures are unlikely to change much, however September registrations should see the usual annual surge ahead of the Cross-Country season.

Just two clubs clubs now have less than the required minimum of ten (10) registered members to constitute a valid registered club. While this may not appear to be a major issue for them - Club Members may still compete in championships - it does constitute some difficulties, e.g. they may not vote on a County Board matter and, perhaps of more significance to some clubs, they may not apply for Race permits as a registered club (at least until they have at least 10 registered members)


As always, clubs are reminded that new members may 'try out' the club for a few weeks, after which they MUST be registered, or they will NOT be covered by Athletics Ireland insurance


Feb 1: Any athlete, coach, official, or any member acting in any capacity, who remains unregistered is NOT covered by Athletics Irelands insurance, for ANY purpose whatsoever, including training and/or competition.

The Registration facility is open

Any club having difficulties logging into the registration system. If your club is in this position, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 01-8869933

National Standings - July 31st 2019

National Club Registrations - July 2019 (PDF File)

County Registrations - July 2019 (PDF File)



Overall Registrations as at July 31st 2019


The July 31st registration total stands at 7,219

Leevale AC remain at the of top the overall listings, followed by Bandon AC, with fifteen clubs have over 200 registered members.  Twenty nine clubs now exceed the 100 mark, with several more clubs closing on the 100

Leevale AC 344 39 16 106 72 577
Bandon AC 381 19 5 81 14 500
Togher AC 159 8 4 98 33 302
St. Catherine's AC 177 8 3 87 12 287
Midleton AC 112 10 2 132 10 266
West Muskerry AC 178 9 4 58 6 255
Youghal AC 122 8 3 105 15 253
North Cork AC 164 4 3 55 12 238
Mallow AC 0 0 1 213 22 236
Belgooly AC 194 7 0 29 1 231
Watergrasshill AC 101 1 0 107 21 230
St. Nicholas AC 108 2 2 96 15 223
Ballymore Cobh AC 107 1 0 100 8 216
Carrigaline AC 154 0 0 55 3 212
Grange/Fermoy AC 72 3 0 113 12 200
Ballincollig AC 126 5 0 52 6 189
Carraig-Na-Bhfear AC 113 16 6 42 4 181
Eagle AC 0 0 1 149 19 169
Tracton AC 107 0 0 58 4 169
Clonakilty Road Runners 98 0 0 39 11 148
St. Finbarrs AC 0 1 1 119 21 142
Riverstick/Kinsale AC 80 3 0 33 0 116
Ballintotis Fit4Life 0 0 1 111 3 115
Liscarroll AC 90 1 2 16 4 113
Fanahan Mc Sweeney AC 94 2 0 14 2 112
Blarney/Inniscara AC 92 2 3 12 1 110
Courcey AC 93 0 0 15 1 109
Doheny AC 94 2 0 11 1 108
Dromahane Road Runners AC 1 1 0 86 17 105
Millstreet AC 50 2 0 39 5 96
Skibbereen AC 67 2 1 15 3 88
Bridevale AC 0 0 0 69 15 84
Doneraile AC 0 0 3 64 16 83
Mount Hillary AC 0 0 0 67 15 82
Rosscarbery Steam Runners AC 0 2 1 64 12 79
Aghada Running Club ARC 0 0 0 73 6 79
Bweeng Trail Blazers 0 1 0 69 4 74
Durrus AC 49 1 0 24 0 74
Bantry AC 18 0 1 26 8 53
Glanmire AC 35 0 0 11 1 47
Old Abbey AC 31 1 0 6 4 42
Churchtown Road Runners 0 0 1 30 10 41
Beara AC 0 0 1 32 5 38
Buttevant R.C. 0 0 0 31 5 36
Donoughmore AC 0 0 0 32 4 36
Shandrum AC 0 0 0 28 2 30
East Cork AC 0 0 1 15 13 29
Duhallow AC 2 1 1 17 4 25
Carrigtwohill AC 0 0 0 20 4 24
Cork Mental Health AC 0 0 0 18 5 23
Galtee Runners AC 0 1 0 16 2 19
Rising Sun AC 0 0 0 18 0 18
Garryvoe AC 0 0 0 6 4 10
Cork Track Club 0 0 2 1 7 10
Fota Island Running Club 0 0 0 6 3 9
Abbey Striders AC 0 0 4 3 1 8

 cork athletics leading clubs b June 2019

 Leading 28 Clubs by Registration July 31st 2019

 cork athletics leading clubs a June 2019

Next 28 Clubs by Registration July 31st 2019


50 Largest Clubs in Ireland

Three Cork clubs feature in the National Top 50 Registration standings: Leevale AC (5th - 577), Bandon AC (13th - 500) and Togher AC (48th - 302). The Top 50 includes fourteen(14) Dublin clubs, five (5) from Galway, four (4) each from Kildare and Meath, and three (3) each from Cork, Donegal and Sligo


Meath Dunboyne AC 251 22 9 49 350 681
Galway Galway City Harriers AC 206 25 18 75 353 677
Donegal Tir Chonaill AC 464 10 2 25 150 651
Dublin Dundrum South Dublin AC 324 44 17 75 166 626
Cork Leevale AC 344 39 16 74 104 577
Galway Craughwell AC 418 17 16 20 99 570
Dublin Crusaders AC 185 15 11 132 222 565
Offaly Tullamore Harriers AC 230 10 8 46 265 559
Dublin Raheny Shamrock AC 188 25 20 76 246 555
Dublin Blackrock (Dublin) AC 316 14 4 23 176 533
Kilkenny Kilkenny City Harriers AC 306 15 5 34 158 518
Louth Drogheda & District AC 115 17 4 43 330 509
Cork Bandon AC 381 19 5 17 78 500
Dublin Clonliffe Harriers AC 204 27 16 90 162 499
Dublin Portmarnock AC 228 5 0 26 193 452
Waterford West Waterford AC 119 10 6 48 264 447
Dublin Lusk AC 227 10 5 12 189 443
Galway Tuam AC 267 4 0 18 147 436
Kildare Celbridge AC 206 18 10 34 152 420
Meath Ratoath AC 271 15 8 11 115 420
Dublin Brothers Pearse AC 185 23 8 14 183 413
Tipperary Clonmel AC 188 8 7 29 180 412
Carlow St. L. O'Toole AC 194 15 14 34 137 394
Westmeath Athlone IT AC 261 4 0 19 105 389
Westmeath Mullingar Harriers AC 180 23 13 31 136 383
Meath Navan AC 205 5 1 20 152 383
Dublin Lucan Harriers AC 190 3 6 24 159 382
Kildare St. Coca's AC 187 14 4 24 153 382
Monaghan Carrick Aces AC 170 5 0 36 161 372
Donegal Letterkenny AC 240 10 8 15 98 371
Dublin Donore Harriers 132 20 19 59 141 371
Dublin Rathfarnham W.S.A.F. AC 222 11 2 32 104 371
Sligo Sligo AC 224 9 9 22 98 362
Dublin Metro/St. Brigid's AC 255 15 6 6 77 359
Kildare Naas AC 206 32 6 11 96 351
Limerick Dooneen AC 255 13 3 15 65 351
Laois St. Abbans A.C 132 10 10 35 148 335
Dublin Fingallians AC 256 7 4 14 50 331
Sligo North Sligo AC 211 9 4 14 91 329
Galway South Galway AC 239 8 0 10 62 319
Waterford Waterford AC 183 21 15 17 82 318
Kildare Newbridge AC 214 3 5 5 90 317
Galway Loughrea AC 189 2 3 20 103 317
Antrim Ballymena & Antrim AC 251 17 10 6 26 310
Louth Glenmore AC 155 8 4 12 126 305
Meath Trim AC 111 8 2 27 157 305
Dublin Tallaght AC 116 16 8 33 130 303
Cork Togher AC 159 8 4 35 96 302
Donegal Rosses AC 192 6 1 13 86 298
Sligo South Sligo AC 205 5 0 7 80 297


Juvenile/Youth Registrations as at July 31st 2019

In January last, a new category, Youth, was introduced to the Registration categories. This group consists of members born in 2001 or 2002.

 cork athletics juvenile clubs a June 2019

Juvenile Clubs by Registration July 31st 2019


cork athletics juvenile clubs b June 2019



The Juvenile situation has not changed in the past month, Bandon AC head the table, followed by Leevale AC, with Belgooly AC, West Muskerry AC and St Catherine's AC following up. Sixteen clubs have 100 or more Juvenile/Youth members.

Bandon AC 381 19 400
Leevale AC 344 39 383
Belgooly AC 194 7 201
West Muskerry AC 178 9 187
St. Catherine's AC 177 8 185
North Cork AC 164 4 168
Togher AC 159 8 167
Carrigaline AC 154 0 154
Ballincollig AC 126 5 131
Youghal AC 122 8 130
Carraig-Na-Bhfear AC 113 16 129
Midleton AC 112 10 122
St. Nicholas AC 108 2 110
Ballymore Cobh AC 107 1 108
Tracton AC 107 0 107
Watergrasshill AC 101 1 102
Clonakilty Road Runners 98 0 98
Fanahan Mc Sweeney AC 94 2 96
Doheny AC 94 2 96
Blarney/Inniscara AC 92 2 94
Courcey AC 93 0 93
Liscarroll AC 90 1 91
Riverstick/Kinsale AC 80 3 83
Grange/Fermoy AC 72 3 75
Skibbereen AC 67 2 69
Millstreet AC 50 2 52
Durrus AC 49 1 50
Glanmire AC 35 0 35
Old Abbey AC 31 1 32
Bantry AC 18 0 18
Duhallow AC 2 1 3
Dromahane Road Runners AC 1 1 2
Rosscarbery Steam Runners AC 0 2 2
St. Finbarrs AC 0 1 1
Bweeng Trail Blazers 0 1 1
Galtee Runners AC 0 1 1


50 Largest Juvenile Clubs in Ireland

Three Cork clubs feature in the National Top 50 Registration standings: Bandon AC (3rd - 400), Leevale AC (4th - 383), and Belgooly AC (43rd - 201)

Donegal Tir Chonaill AC 464 10 474
Galway Craughwell AC 418 17 435
Cork Bandon AC 381 19 400
Cork Leevale AC 344 39 383
Dublin Dundrum South Dublin AC 324 44 368
Dublin Blackrock (Dublin) AC 316 14 330
Kilkenny Kilkenny City Harriers AC 306 15 321
Meath Ratoath AC 271 15 286
Meath Dunboyne AC 251 22 273
Galway Tuam AC 267 4 271
Dublin Metro/St. Brigid's AC 255 15 270
Limerick Dooneen AC 255 13 268
Antrim Ballymena & Antrim AC 251 17 268
Westmeath Athlone IT AC 261 4 265
Dublin Fingallians AC 256 7 263
Donegal Letterkenny AC 240 10 250
Galway South Galway AC 239 8 247
Offaly Tullamore Harriers AC 230 10 240
Kildare Naas AC 206 32 238
Dublin Lusk AC 227 10 237
Dublin Portmarnock AC 228 5 233
Dublin Rathfarnham W.S.A.F. AC 222 11 233
Sligo Sligo AC 224 9 233
Kerry Kenmare AC 229 4 233
Galway Galway City Harriers AC 206 25 231
Dublin Clonliffe Harriers AC 204 27 231
Meath Tara AC 216 10 226
Mayo Claremorris AC 220 6 226
Kildare Celbridge AC 206 18 224
Sligo North Sligo AC 211 9 220
Kildare Newbridge AC 214 3 217
Leitrim Carrick-on-Shannon AC 200 14 214
Dublin Raheny Shamrock AC 188 25 213
Mayo Moy Valley AC 204 8 212
Meath Navan AC 205 5 210
Sligo South Sligo AC 205 5 210
Carlow St. L. O'Toole AC 194 15 209
Dublin Brothers Pearse AC 185 23 208
Waterford Ferrybank AC 192 13 205
Waterford Waterford AC 183 21 204
Westmeath Mullingar Harriers AC 180 23 203
Kildare St. Coca's AC 187 14 201
Cork Belgooly AC 194 7 201
Dublin Crusaders AC 185 15 200
Galway Clare River Harriers AC 199 0 199
Wicklow Greystones & District AC 185 14 199
Mayo Lake District Athletics 196 3 199
Donegal Rosses AC 192 6 198
Clare St. Cronans AC 195 2 197
Tipperary Clonmel AC 188 8 196


Senior/Masters/Juniors Registrations as at July 31st 2019

Mallow AC retain their usual position at top the table, followed by Leevale AC, with Eagle AC next, followed by Midleton AC. Fifteen clubs have over 100 registered adult members


cork athletics leading clubs c June 2019

Leading 28 Clubs by Adult Registration July 31st 2019


cork athletics adult clubs b June 2019

Next 28 Clubs by Adult Registration July 31st 2019


Mallow AC 1 213 22 236
Leevale AC 16 106 72 194
Eagle AC 1 149 19 169
Midleton AC 2 132 10 144
St. Finbarrs AC 1 119 21 141
Togher AC 4 98 33 135
Watergrasshill AC 0 107 21 128
Grange/Fermoy AC 0 113 12 125
Youghal AC 3 105 15 123
Ballintotis Fit4Life 1 111 3 115
St. Nicholas AC 2 96 15 113
Ballymore Cobh AC 0 100 8 108
Dromahane Road Runners AC 0 86 17 103
St. Catherine's AC 3 87 12 102
Bandon AC 5 81 14 100
Bridevale AC 0 69 15 84
Doneraile AC 3 64 16 83
Mount Hillary AC 0 67 15 82
Aghada Running Club ARC 0 73 6 79
Rosscarbery Steam Runners AC 1 64 12 77
Bweeng Trail Blazers 0 69 4 73
North Cork AC 3 55 12 70
West Muskerry AC 4 58 6 68
Tracton AC 0 58 4 62
Carrigaline AC 0 55 3 58
Ballincollig AC 0 52 6 58
Carraig-Na-Bhfear AC 6 42 4 52
Clonakilty Road Runners 0 39 11 50
Millstreet AC 0 39 5 44
Churchtown Road Runners 1 30 10 41
Beara AC 1 32 5 38
Buttevant R.C. 0 31 5 36
Donoughmore AC 0 32 4 36
Bantry AC 1 26 8 35
Riverstick/Kinsale AC 0 33 0 33
Belgooly AC 0 29 1 30
Shandrum AC 0 28 2 30
East Cork AC 1 15 13 29
Durrus AC 0 24 0 24
Carrigtwohill AC 0 20 4 24
Cork Mental Health AC 0 18 5 23
Liscarroll AC 2 16 4 22
Duhallow AC 1 17 4 22
Skibbereen AC 1 15 3 19
Galtee Runners AC 0 16 2 18
Rising Sun AC 0 18 0 18
Fanahan Mc Sweeney AC 0 14 2 16
Blarney/Inniscara AC 3 12 1 16
Courcey AC 0 15 1 16
Doheny AC 0 11 1 12
Glanmire AC 0 11 1 12
Old Abbey AC 0 6 4 10
Garryvoe AC 0 6 4 10
Cork Track Club 2 1 7 10
Fota Island Running Club 0 6 3 9
Abbey Striders AC 4 3 1 8


50 Largest Adult Clubs in Ireland

Five Cork clubs feature in the National Top 50 Adult Registration standings: Mallow AC (10th - 236), Leevale AC (25th - 194), Eagle AC (39th  - 169) Midleton AC (46th - 144), and St Finbarrs AC (48th - 141)

Galway Galway City Harriers AC 18 75 353 446
Meath Dunboyne AC 9 49 350 408
Louth Drogheda & District AC 4 43 330 377
Dublin Crusaders AC 11 132 222 365
Dublin Raheny Shamrock AC 20 76 246 342
Offaly Tullamore Harriers AC 8 46 265 319
Waterford West Waterford AC 6 48 264 318
Dublin Clonliffe Harriers AC 16 90 162 268
Dublin Dundrum South Dublin AC 17 75 166 258
Cork Mallow AC 1 24 211 236
Dublin Sportsworld AC 1 70 162 233
Dublin Dublin Front Runners AC 0 15 217 232
Dublin Portmarnock AC 0 26 193 219
Dublin Donore Harriers 19 59 141 219
Louth North East Runners AC 0 34 185 219
Roscommon Boyle AC 0 45 172 217
Tipperary Clonmel AC 7 29 180 216
Dublin Lusk AC 5 12 189 206
Dublin Brothers Pearse AC 8 14 183 205
Dublin Blackrock (Dublin) AC 4 23 176 203
Kilkenny Kilkenny City Harriers AC 5 34 158 197
Monaghan Carrick Aces AC 0 36 161 197
Wicklow Sli Cualann AC 15 33 149 197
Kildare Celbridge AC 10 34 152 196
Cork Leevale AC 16 74 104 194
Laois St. Abbans A.C 10 35 148 193
Dublin Lucan Harriers AC 6 24 159 189
Meath Trim AC 2 27 157 186
Clare Marathon Club Ireland 0 13 173 186
Carlow St. L. O'Toole AC 14 34 137 185
Dublin Waterstown Warriors AC 1 26 156 183
Kildare St. Coca's AC 4 24 153 181
Westmeath Mullingar Harriers AC 13 31 136 180
Meath Star of the Sea AC 3 29 146 178
Donegal Tir Chonaill AC 2 25 150 177
Meath Navan AC 1 20 152 173
Galway Athenry AC 5 11 157 173
Dublin Tallaght AC 8 33 130 171
Cork Eagle AC 1 20 148 169
Wexford Croghan AC 0 28 138 166
Galway Tuam AC 0 18 147 165
Laois St. Michael's AC 2 20 143 165
Mayo Mayo AC 0 16 145 161
Offaly Birr AC 4 21 127 152
Donegal Milford AC 2 23 123 148
Cork Midleton AC 2 11 131 144
Louth Glenmore AC 4 12 126 142
Cork St. Finbarrs AC 1 23 117 141
Meath Dunshaughlin AC 3 17 120 140
Wexford Slaney Olympic AC 0 17 123 140


Senior Registrations

Senior athletes are, or should include, the 'Elite' members - this is the age group from which our Provincial, National and International athletes will emerge.  The numbers in this age group, from those born before 2000, and aged under 35, continues to be disappointing low, particularly in the early 20's ages.  While athletics is not the only sport experiencing this issue, clearly Cork Athletics and Athletics Ireland urgently needs to formulate a strategy to attract and retain athletes in this age range

 cork athletics senior clubs June 2019

Largest Clubs by Senior Registrations


Leevale AC 70
Togher AC 34
St. Finbarrs AC 23
Mallow AC 21
Watergrasshill AC 20
Eagle AC 18
Dromahane Road Runners AC 17
Doneraile AC 16
Bandon AC 15
Youghal AC 15
St. Nicholas AC 15
Bridevale AC 15
Mount Hillary AC 15
Grange/Fermoy AC 14
East Cork AC 13
St. Catherine's AC 12
North Cork AC 12
Rosscarbery Steam Runners AC 12
Clonakilty Road Runners 11
Midleton AC 10
Churchtown Road Runners 10
Ballymore Cobh AC 8
Bantry AC 8
Cork Track Club 7
West Muskerry AC 6
Ballincollig AC 6
Aghada Running Club ARC 6
Millstreet AC 5
Beara AC 5
Buttevant R.C. 5
Duhallow AC 5
Cork Mental Health AC 5
Carraig-Na-Bhfear AC 4
Tracton AC 4
Liscarroll AC 4
Bweeng Trail Blazers 4
Old Abbey AC 4
Donoughmore AC 4
Carrigtwohill AC 4
Garryvoe AC 4
Ballintotis Fit4Life 3
Skibbereen AC 3
Fota Island Running Club 3
Carrigaline AC 2
Fanahan Mc Sweeney AC 2
Shandrum AC 2
Galtee Runners AC 2
Belgooly AC 1
Blarney/Inniscara AC 1
Doheny AC 1
Courcey AC 1
Glanmire AC 1
Abbey Striders AC 1


50 Largest Senior Clubs in Ireland

Four Cork clubs feature in the National Top 50 Senior Registration standings: Leevale AC (6th - 74),  Mallow AC and Watergrasshill AC (Joint 35th - 24), and St Finbarrs AC (41st - 23)

Dublin Crusaders AC 132
Dublin Clonliffe Harriers AC 90
Dublin Raheny Shamrock AC 76
Galway Galway City Harriers AC 75
Dublin Dundrum South Dublin AC 75
Cork Leevale AC 74
Dublin Sportsworld AC 70
Dublin Donore Harriers 59
Meath Dunboyne AC 49
Waterford West Waterford AC 48
Offaly Tullamore Harriers AC 46
Roscommon Boyle AC 45
Louth Drogheda & District AC 43
Monaghan Carrick Aces AC 36
Laois St. Abbans A.C 35
Cork Togher AC 35
Louth North East Runners AC 34
Kilkenny Kilkenny City Harriers AC 34
Kildare Celbridge AC 34
Carlow St. L. O'Toole AC 34
Wicklow Sli Cualann AC 33
Dublin Tallaght AC 33
Dublin Rathfarnham W.S.A.F. AC 32
Westmeath Mullingar Harriers AC 31
Dublin Civil Service AC 31
Tipperary Clonmel AC 29
Meath Star of the Sea AC 29
Kildare Le Cheile Athletic Club 29
Wexford Croghan AC 28
Offaly Naomh Mhuire AC 28
Meath Trim AC 27
Dublin Portmarnock AC 26
Dublin Waterstown Warriors AC 26
Donegal Tir Chonaill AC 25
Cork Mallow AC 24
Dublin Lucan Harriers AC 24
Kildare St. Coca's AC 24
Limerick West Limerick AC 24
Cork Watergrasshill AC 24
Monaghan Clones AC 24
Dublin Blackrock (Dublin) AC 23
Donegal Milford AC 23
Cork St. Finbarrs AC 23
Sligo Sligo AC 22
Donegal Finn Valley AC 22
Offaly Banagher AC 22
Offaly Birr AC 21
Louth Dunleer AC 21
Laois Portlaoise AC 21
Clare Ennis Track AC 21


Masters Registrations

With 211 Masters members, Mallow AC are, by a distance, the largest club in this category. Eagle AC and Midleton AC are next, followed by a 'possee' of clubs in the 90 - 110 range. Ten clubs have over 100 Masters members.


cork athletics masters clubs June 2019


Mallow AC 211
Eagle AC 147
Midleton AC 132
St. Finbarrs AC 117
Grange/Fermoy AC 111
Ballintotis Fit4Life 111
Watergrasshill AC 106
Leevale AC 104
Youghal AC 103
Ballymore Cobh AC 100
St. Nicholas AC 96
Togher AC 94
St. Catherine's AC 87
Dromahane Road Runners AC 86
Bandon AC 80
Aghada Running Club ARC 73
Bridevale AC 69
Bweeng Trail Blazers 69
Mount Hillary AC 67
Rosscarbery Steam Runners AC 64
Doneraile AC 63
West Muskerry AC 58
Tracton AC 56
North Cork AC 55
Carrigaline AC 54
Ballincollig AC 52
Carraig-Na-Bhfear AC 42
Clonakilty Road Runners 39
Millstreet AC 36
Riverstick/Kinsale AC 33
Beara AC 32
Buttevant R.C. 30
Donoughmore AC 30
Belgooly AC 29
Churchtown Road Runners 29
Shandrum AC 28
Bantry AC 26
Durrus AC 23
Carrigtwohill AC 20
Cork Mental Health AC 18
Rising Sun AC 18
Liscarroll AC 16
Duhallow AC 16
Galtee Runners AC 16
Courcey AC 15
Skibbereen AC 15
East Cork AC 15
Fanahan Mc Sweeney AC 14
Blarney/Inniscara AC 12
Doheny AC 11
Glanmire AC 11
Old Abbey AC 6
Garryvoe AC 6
Fota Island Running Club 6
Abbey Striders AC 3
Cork Track Club 1



50 Largest Masters Clubs in Ireland

Four Cork clubs feature in the National Top 50 Masters Registration standings: Mallow AC (9th - 211), Eagle AC (33rd - 148) Midleton AC (42nd - 131) and St Finbarr's AC (50th - 117)

Galway Galway City Harriers AC 353
Meath Dunboyne AC 350
Louth Drogheda & District AC 330
Offaly Tullamore Harriers AC 265
Waterford West Waterford AC 264
Dublin Raheny Shamrock AC 246
Dublin Crusaders AC 222
Dublin Dublin Front Runners AC 217
Cork Mallow AC 211
Dublin Portmarnock AC 193
Dublin Lusk AC 189
Louth North East Runners AC 185
Dublin Brothers Pearse AC 183
Tipperary Clonmel AC 180
Dublin Blackrock (Dublin) AC 176
Clare Marathon Club Ireland 173
Roscommon Boyle AC 172
Dublin Dundrum South Dublin AC 166
Dublin Clonliffe Harriers AC 162
Dublin Sportsworld AC 162
Monaghan Carrick Aces AC 161
Dublin Lucan Harriers AC 159
Kilkenny Kilkenny City Harriers AC 158
Meath Trim AC 157
Galway Athenry AC 157
Dublin Waterstown Warriors AC 156
Kildare St. Coca's AC 153
Kildare Celbridge AC 152
Meath Navan AC 152
Donegal Tir Chonaill AC 150
Wicklow Sli Cualann AC 149
Laois St. Abbans A.C 148
Cork Eagle AC 148
Galway Tuam AC 147
Meath Star of the Sea AC 146
Mayo Mayo AC 145
Laois St. Michael's AC 143
Dublin Donore Harriers 141
Wexford Croghan AC 138
Carlow St. L. O'Toole AC 137
Westmeath Mullingar Harriers AC 136
Cork Midleton AC 131
Dublin Tallaght AC 130
Offaly Birr AC 127
Louth Glenmore AC 126
Donegal Milford AC 123
Wexford Slaney Olympic AC 123
Monaghan Monaghan Phoenix AC 122
Meath Dunshaughlin AC 120
Cork St. Finbarrs AC 117

About Us

Cork Athletics County Board is a constituent member of Athletics Ireland. Cork Athletics is the governing body, administering athletics, track and field (T&F), cross-country (XC) and running in county Cork. The Board comprises elected representatives of constituent athletic clubs and running clubs. Cork County Board AAI organises Championship races and competition, including road, track & field (T&F) and Cross-country (XC), at junior, juvenile, senior and masters levels, and selects representation for the county. In addition, training and education is provided for coaches and officials. The Board also regulates the Athletics Ireland race/event permit (licence) process for county Cork.
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