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Athletics Ireland Seeks Host Clubs for 2022-2023 Cross-Country Season

Would Your Club Like to Host a National Cross-Country Championship in 2022-2023?

 County Juvenile Even-Age XC


Athletics Ireland is looking for expressions of interest from member clubs that may be interested in hosting one of the National Cross-Country Championships

Following on from last weekend's superbly run National Championships in Castlelyons, hosted by St. Nicholas AC, more Cork Clubs may be interested in holding one of these prestigious Championships. Cork Athletics County Board would welcome, support and assist any club interested in hosting any of these events

Download Cross-Country Host Application Form (Word Document)


Download Cross-Country Host Application Form (PDF Document)

Download Cross-Country Start/Finish Schematic (PDF Document)

Closing Date for Applications: Wednesday March 16th


Athletics Ireland Cross-Country Championship Events

Juvenile Uneven Age & Novice Cross Country Championships

Intermediate, Masters & Juvenile “B” Cross Country Championships

Senior & Even Age Cross Country Championships

Some of the Criteria to Be Met

athletics ireland cross country start line set upStart Line Set-Up for Athletics Ireland Cross-Country Championships athletics ireland cross country finish line set upFinish Line Set-Up for Athletics Ireland Cross-Country Championships
Start Line Set-Up for Athletics Ireland Cross-Country Championships Finish Line Set-Up for Athletics Ireland Cross-Country Championships

athletics ireland cross country start line barrier requirementsBarrier Requirements for Cross-Country ChampionshipsBarrier, Stake & Tape Requirements

The course should ideally be a closed site, and must be at a minimum of 7 acres in size. This is about the combined size of 4 standard football pitches

Total parking facilities should be large enough to cater for up to 1400 cars at any one time, either on site or a park and ride facility close to the location. Traffic Management should be an assigned task throughout the course of the event

Check-in should be located within the course, and be as near to the entrance as possible. The Check-in Marquee should be approx. 18m x 3m (marquee), and cater for 6 check-in groups, along with another 18m x 6m, to accommodate athlete queues


"As the Cross-Country season is now complete for 2021/22, Athletics Ireland are looking for all clubs within the organisation to consider hosting a National Cross-Country championship for the season 2022/23 as outlined in our Cross Country Application Form attached.

If your club are interested and meet the criteria as outlined in the application, please email your completed application no late than Wednesday the 16th of March to the competition Manager Lizzy Broderick.

Athletics Ireland will get back to all clubs who have shown an interest in due course"

About Us

Cork Athletics County Board is a constituent member of Athletics Ireland. Cork Athletics is the governing body, administering athletics, track and field (T&F), cross-country (XC) and running in county Cork. The Board comprises elected representatives of constituent athletic clubs and running clubs. Cork County Board AAI organises Championship races and competition, including road, track & field (T&F) and Cross-country (XC), at junior, juvenile, senior and masters levels, and selects representation for the county. In addition, training and education is provided for coaches and officials. The Board also regulates the Athletics Ireland race/event permit (licence) process for county Cork.
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