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Athlete Transfer Deadline - March 24th 2022

Deadline - March 24th 2022


Transfer Image


Cork Athletics Facebook page

Athletes wishing to transfer clubs are reminded that the deadline for the return of fully completed transfer forms is Thursday March 24th.  Forms received after that date will NOT be accepted

Please do NOT use the online permit application system, as there are technical and admin issues with the process


Transfer forms may be downloaded from the Athletics Ireland website.  


The Sequence and Procedure on the form MUST be followed

Completed Transfer Forms

Completed forms should be given to Cork AAI County Board Registrar, John Copithorne, or posted to him at John Copithorne, Registrar Cork AAI County Board, Belgooly, Co. Cork

[Every transfer window, one of more forms are sent directly to Dublin, bypassing Cork County Board

This results in, at best, delayed transfers, whilst the transfer may be held over until the next Transfer Window. (e.g. for the current deadline, of March 24th, it is unlikely that Cork Athletics will receive incorrectly directed forms back from AAI HQ by it's April meeting, so it may be May or even June before the transfer is approved.)]


  • Do NOT call to John Copithorne's house
  • Do NOT send your form by Registered Post, Courier or other form of delivery, except the regular Post
  • Do NOT send your completed form to Athletics Ireland HQ (Dublin), as this will severely affect delivery time, likely missing the deadline.


Closing date is Thursday March 24th

Completed Transfer Forms may be submitted at any stage, but will not be reviewed by Cork Athletics County Board until after March 24th. However early submission allows time for the return and resubmission of forms that are incomplete or contain an error of some form or other


The Transfer Form MUST be signed in the following order

By the:

•   Member (in the case of a minor, by their parent or guardian)

•   New Club

•   Outgoing Club

•   County Board (outgoing club)

•   Outgoing County Board (for out of county club transfer only)

•   Incoming County Board (for inter-county transfer only)

Incomplete, improperly, or incorrectly completed forms will be rejected



  • Athletes must be in good stead with the outgoing club, i.e. they must not owe any membership  fee, or other arrears, and all club property in their possession must have been returned
  • Athletes whose membership of the outgoing club has lapsed by more than three years do NOT require a transfer, i.e. they are free to change clubs without going through the formal transfer process - they can be simply registered by the incoming club.  Note: Effectively this means that anyone transferring, who has been registered in ANY of the years 2019, 2020, or 2021, will need to fill out a Transfer Form


Next Transfer Window, following March 24th 2022, will close on August 24th 2022


Note: Cork Athletics County Board has asked Athletics Ireland to consider extending the transfer deadline until "One month after Athletics is allowed to resume". 

Please note that there is no guarantee that Athletics ireland will agree to this. If AAI agree with the request, an update will be posted on this website and on Cork Athletics social media. In the meantime, please ensure that completed forms are with John Copithorne, Cork Athletics County Board Registrar, by Wednesday March 24th 2021


About Us

Cork Athletics County Board is a constituent member of Athletics Ireland. Cork Athletics is the governing body, administering athletics, track and field (T&F), cross-country (XC) and running in county Cork. The Board comprises elected representatives of constituent athletic clubs and running clubs. Cork County Board AAI organises Championship races and competition, including road, track & field (T&F) and Cross-country (XC), at junior, juvenile, senior and masters levels, and selects representation for the county. In addition, training and education is provided for coaches and officials. The Board also regulates the Athletics Ireland race/event permit (licence) process for county Cork.
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