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Cork Athletics Registration Figures - March 31st 2022

Cork Athletics Registration Figures - March 31st 2022


cork registrations march 2022

March end-of-month registrations for Cork Athletics stand at 6,305

A total of 2,479 individuals, who were Registered during 2021, have not, for whatever reason, been Registered yet this year. This is an area in which Club Registrars might be able to follow-up, and, maybe, boost their membership, particularly among adults. Unfortunately, with Juveniles, and across all sports in Ireland, and the UK, there is a huge drop-off from the early teens onward. Nevertheless Club Registrars might consider contacting lapsed members, to invite them back. Sometimes it takes just a phone call to  bring someone back. [NB: If contacting Juveniles, the contact MUST be through an adult, generally a parent/guardian]

As always, clubs are reminded that new members may 'try out' the club for a few weeks, after which they MUST be registered, or they will NOT be covered by Athletics Ireland insurance


As of Feb 1: Any athlete, coach, official, or any member acting in any capacity, who remains unregistered is NOT covered by Athletics Irelands insurance, for ANY purpose whatsoever, including training and/or competition.

Overall Registrations as at March 31st 2022

Top 30 Club Registrations March 2022

The March 31st registration total of 6,305 is, hopefully, an early predicator of 2022 year-end figures


Leevale AC 246 56 24 56 91 302 171 473
Bandon AC 341 8 11 19 51 349 81 430
North Cork AC 304 15 2 11 52 319 65 384
Midleton AC 138 8 2 11 160 146 173 319
St. Catherine's AC 150 2 1 8 86 152 95 247
Togher AC 114 12 2 24 82 126 108 234
Youghal AC 107 10 3 15 90 117 108 225
Grange/Fermoy AC 87 7 2 9 115 94 126 220
Tracton AC 128 3 0 5 77 131 82 213
Belgooly AC 173 4 1 0 28 177 29 206
Carraig-Na-Bhfear AC 118 16 13 6 52 134 71 205
Mallow AC 0 0 0 11 159 0 170 170
Bweeng Trail Blazers 94 0 0 3 61 94 64 158
Watergrasshill AC 47 0 0 18 89 47 107 154
Ballymore Cobh AC 55 1 0 9 84 56 93 149
Riverstick/Kinsale AC 120 6 2 0 14 126 16 142
Blarney/Inniscara AC 118 0 2 4 17 118 23 141
St. Finbarrs AC 0 1 0 20 117 1 137 138
West Muskerry AC 111 1 0 2 15 112 17 129
Fanahan Mc Sweeney AC 115 2 0 0 10 117 10 127
Eagle AC 0 0 0 14 112 0 126 126
Carrigaline AC 82 0 0 5 37 82 42 124
Ballincollig AC 54 5 2 7 50 59 59 118
Millstreet AC 86 1 0 1 23 87 24 111
Courcey AC 85 0 0 0 21 85 21 106
Doheny AC 92 1 0 0 8 93 8 101
Ballintotis Fit4Life 0 0 0 12 84 0 96 96
St. Nicholas AC 27 2 1 1 54 29 56 85
Mount Hillary AC 0 0 0 10 65 0 75 75
Skibbereen AC 60 1 0 1 12 61 13 74
Aghada Running Club ARC 0 0 0 2 64 0 66 66
Bridevale AC 0 0 0 12 47 0 59 59
Old Abbey AC 49 0 0 2 7 49 9 58
Clonakilty Juvenile A.C 48 0 0 0 10 48 10 58
Liscarroll AC 31 4 4 3 13 35 20 55
Durrus AC 28 2 2 0 20 30 22 52
Beara AC 0 0 0 8 38 0 46 46
Donoughmore AC 0 0 0 2 43 0 45 45
Dromahane Road Runners AC 0 1 0 6 35 1 41 42
Bantry AC 25 1 0 1 12 26 13 39
Buttevant R.C. 0 0 0 9 26 0 35 35
Rosscarbery Steam Runners AC 0 0 0 3 28 0 31 31
Cork Track Club 0 0 0 19 9 0 28 28
Fota Island Running Club 0 0 0 5 21 0 26 26
The Churchtown Roadrunners AC 0 0 0 8 18 0 26 26
East Cork AC 0 0 1 7 18 0 26 26
Doneraile AC 0 0 0 2 22 0 24 24
Galtee Runners AC 0 0 0 2 17 0 19 19
Carrigtwohill AC 0 0 0 1 16 0 17 17
Rising Sun AC 0 0 0 0 16 0 16 16
Cork Mental Health AC 0 0 0 1 15 0 16 16
Duhallow AC 0 0 0 2 13 0 15 15
Shandrum AC 0 0 0 1 13 0 14 14
Abbey Striders AC 4 1 0 2 3 5 5 10
UNATTACHED 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 3

 Leevale AC top the overall listings, followed closely by Bandon AC, with nine clubs; North Cork AC,  Midleton AC,  St Catherine's AC, Togher AC, Youghal AC, Grange Fermoy AC, Tracton AC, Belgooly AC and Carraig na bhFear AC next, all having over 200 registered members.  Twenty six clubs exceed the 100 registrations mark



 Juvenile/Youth Registrations as at March 31st 2022

Bandon AC head the table, followed by North Cork AC and Leevale AC. Fourteen clubs have 100 or more Juvenile/Youth members.


Top 30 Juvenile Clubs March 2022

 Leading Cork Juvenile Clubs


ClubJuvenileYouthTotal Juv
Bandon AC 341 8 349
North Cork AC 304 15 319
Leevale AC 246 56 302
Belgooly AC 173 4 177
St. Catherine's AC 150 2 152
Midleton AC 138 8 146
Carraig-Na-Bhfear AC 118 16 134
Tracton AC 128 3 131
Togher AC 114 12 126
Riverstick/Kinsale AC 120 6 126
Blarney/Inniscara AC 118 0 118
Youghal AC 107 10 117
Fanahan Mc Sweeney AC 115 2 117
West Muskerry AC 111 1 112
Grange/Fermoy AC 87 7 94
Bweeng Trail Blazers 94 0 94
Doheny AC 92 1 93
Millstreet AC 86 1 87
Courcey AC 85 0 85
Carrigaline AC 82 0 82
Skibbereen AC 60 1 61
Ballincollig AC 54 5 59
Ballymore Cobh AC 55 1 56
Old Abbey AC 49 0 49
Clonakilty Juvenile A.C 48 0 48
Watergrasshill AC 47 0 47
Liscarroll AC 31 4 35
Durrus AC 28 2 30
St. Nicholas AC 27 2 29
Bantry AC 25 1 26
Abbey Striders AC 4 1 5
St. Finbarrs AC 0 1 1
Dromahane Road Runners AC 0 1 1


Leading Adult Registrations by Club - March 31st 2022

There is little between the top three clubs - just 3 registrations. Midleton AC, head the list on 173, followed by Leevale (171) and Mallow AC (170). Nine clubs now have over 100 registered adult members, with three more within single digit figures of the 100 mark.


 Top 30 Senior Clubs Registrations March 2022


Midleton AC 2 11 160 173
Leevale AC 24 56 91 171
Mallow AC 0 11 159 170
St. Finbarrs AC 0 20 117 137
Grange/Fermoy AC 2 9 115 126
Eagle AC 0 14 112 126
Togher AC 2 24 82 108
Youghal AC 3 15 90 108
Watergrasshill AC 0 18 89 107
Ballintotis Fit4Life 0 12 84 96
St. Catherine's AC 1 8 86 95
Ballymore Cobh AC 0 9 84 93
Tracton AC 0 5 77 82
Bandon AC 11 19 51 81
Mount Hillary AC 0 10 65 75
Carraig-Na-Bhfear AC 13 6 52 71
Aghada Running Club ARC 0 2 64 66
North Cork AC 2 11 52 65
Bweeng Trail Blazers 0 3 61 64
Ballincollig AC 2 7 50 59
Bridevale AC 0 12 47 59
St. Nicholas AC 1 1 54 56
Beara AC 0 8 38 46
Donoughmore AC 0 2 43 45
Carrigaline AC 0 5 37 42
Dromahane Road Runners AC 0 6 35 41
Buttevant R.C. 0 9 26 35
Rosscarbery Steam Runners AC 0 3 28 31
Belgooly AC 1 0 28 29
Cork Track Club 0 19 9 28
Fota Island Running Club 0 5 21 26
The Churchtown Roadrunners AC 0 8 18 26
East Cork AC 1 7 18 26
Millstreet AC 0 1 23 24
Doneraile AC 0 2 22 24
Blarney/Inniscara AC 2 4 17 23
Durrus AC 2 0 20 22
Courcey AC 0 0 21 21
Liscarroll AC 4 3 13 20
Galtee Runners AC 0 2 17 19
West Muskerry AC 0 2 15 17
Carrigtwohill AC 0 1 16 17
Riverstick/Kinsale AC 2 0 14 16
Rising Sun AC 0 0 16 16
Cork Mental Health AC 0 1 15 16
Duhallow AC 0 2 13 15
Shandrum AC 0 1 13 14
Skibbereen AC 0 1 12 13
Bantry AC 0 1 12 13
Fanahan Mc Sweeney AC 0 0 10 10
Clonakilty Juvenile A.C 0 0 10 10
Old Abbey AC 0 2 7 9
Doheny AC 0 0 8 8
Abbey Striders AC 0 2 3 5

About Us

Cork Athletics County Board is a constituent member of Athletics Ireland. Cork Athletics is the governing body, administering athletics, track and field (T&F), cross-country (XC) and running in county Cork. The Board comprises elected representatives of constituent athletic clubs and running clubs. Cork County Board AAI organises Championship races and competition, including road, track & field (T&F) and Cross-country (XC), at junior, juvenile, senior and masters levels, and selects representation for the county. In addition, training and education is provided for coaches and officials. The Board also regulates the Athletics Ireland race/event permit (licence) process for county Cork.
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