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Insurance Briefing - April 2022

Briefing to Cork County Board on Athletics Ireland Insurance

MTU Track, Cork

Wednesday April 6th 2022

Before Cork County Board's Monthly Meeting, at MTU Track, on Wednesday April 6th, 2022, Peter Hanlon, of McMahon Galvin Insurance, gave a briefing, followed by a Q&A session, to the Board Officers and delegates present


Insurance Briefing to Cork County Board

The briefing covered a wide range of relevant matters, from individual cover, coaching, race/event permits, Officers cover, Personal Accident, and much more

The briefing was not intended to comprehensively cover every aspect of insurance relevant to clubs and individual members, nevertheless it answered many of the more common queries.  Any questions not covered can be put to Peter Hanlon at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Athletics Ireland Insurance FAQ's (PDF Doc)



Some matters covered - See video for specific details/clarity

NB: These are Cork Athletics Webmasters Notes and should NOT be taken as being Gospel!

Club sessions and mebbers are covered only in officially sanctioned venues and locations. It does not cover individual athletes training, for example, on their own training run from home

Accredited Athletics Ireland Coaches are covered when coaching any (other) Athletics Ireland club or individual member anywhere, however only if coaching in a voluntary capacity. Paid coaches are not covered and are recommended to have their own professional indemnity insurance



Only covered if the proceed are for the benefit of the club. If the event is is organised on behalf of, say, a charity, it is not covered, however, a club will be covered if it organises an event and donates the proceeds to the charity

Risk Assessments

Every event should have a written Risk Assessment, whether Road Race, Track & Field, or Cross-Country event. Where man-made obstacles are used, to create 'jumps', for instance, on a Cross-Country course, it is essential to assess the risk of slips, trips and falls.  Another risk to be assessed is that of people competing without footwear, i.e. barefoot


It is recommended that all competitors in Track and Field, and Cross-Country, sign a disclaimer/declaration, similar to those commonly used in Road Races, acknowleding the risks they incur in taking part

Primary School Leagues

These must have their own permit


AAI MUST be notified, in a timely manner, of any incident likely to give rise to a claim under its insurance cover, so that the details can be innvestingated before everycan be got by emailing Athletics ireland, or McMahon one scatters and the details cannot be ascertained/verified

Indemnity Letters

Indemnity letters covering, for example, landowners who have allowed their lands to be used for Cross-Country, can be got by emailing Athletics Ireland or McMahon Galvin


Prospective New Members

Prospective New Members can 'try out' the club for 1, 2 or 3 sessions, but may NOT compete while not a member

Personal Accident

Only covers club members in club events, and must be as a result of an accident. It does not cover injuries like, say, a hamstring injury

Property Insurance is NOT covered





About Us

Cork Athletics County Board is a constituent member of Athletics Ireland. Cork Athletics is the governing body, administering athletics, track and field (T&F), cross-country (XC) and running in county Cork. The Board comprises elected representatives of constituent athletic clubs and running clubs. Cork County Board AAI organises Championship races and competition, including road, track & field (T&F) and Cross-country (XC), at junior, juvenile, senior and masters levels, and selects representation for the county. In addition, training and education is provided for coaches and officials. The Board also regulates the Athletics Ireland race/event permit (licence) process for county Cork.
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