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Updated - Cork City Marathon 2022 - Weather Outlook - Hydration and Eating Advice

Cork City Marathon 2022 - Weather Prospects, Hydration and Eating Advice

Weather Update - 8am Saturday June 4th

wind forecast cork sun june 5th 2022 as at sat june 4th temperature forecast cork sun june 5th 2022 as at sat june 4th a temperature forecast cork sun june 5th 2022 as at sat june 4th rain forecast cork sun june 5th 2022 as at sat june 4th
Wind forecast for Mid-day Sunday, as at 8am Saturday June 4th Temperature forecast for Mid-day Sunday, as at 8am Saturday June 4th Temperature forecast for Mid-day Sunday, as at 8am Saturday June 4th Rain forecast for Mid-day Sunday, as at 8am Saturday June 4th
Winds looking a bit lighter again, since yesterday Temperatures dropping slightly again Rain forecast is much the same as before

Summary 8am Saturday

Expected conditions have improved slightly, with winds abating further, temperatures dropping slightly again, and, maybe, the risk of heavier showers moving a little further north.  At risk of getting 'egg on my face', tomorrow's running conditions look like they may be the best since the Cork City marathon restarted in 2007, particularly on the temperature and wind sides!

This is probably the last forecast update for this year's Marathon - If things change unexpectedly (unlikely), there will be another update. Tomorrow morning, to see how things look...Look out the window!

Weather Update - 4pm Friday June 3rd

wind forecast cork sun june 5th 2022 as at fri june 3rd temperature forecast cork sun june 5th 2022 as at fri june 3rd temperature forecast cork sun june 5th 2022 as at fri june 3rd a rain forecast cork sun june 5th 2022 as at fri june 3rd
Wind forecast for Mid-day Sunday, as at 4pm Friday June 3rd Temperature forecast for Mid-day Sunday, as at 4pm Friday June 3rd
Temperature forecast for Mid-day Sunday, as at 4pm Friday June 3rd
Rain forecast for Mid-day Sunday, as at 4pm Friday June 3rd
Forecast Light Winds appear to have slackened even more! Forecast Temperatures slightly up, but still in low to mid teens Prospect of more widespread showers, with corresponding cloud cover


Very little change in past 24 hours. Winds slackened slightly, Temperature prospects remain in the low to mid-teens. There is a likelihood of more widespread showers, with corresponding cloud cover



Weather Update - 6pm Thursday June 2nd

wind forecast cork sun june 5th 2022 as at thurs june 2nd temperature forecast cork sun june 5th 2022 as at thurs june 2nd temperature forecast cork sun june 5th 2022 as at thurs june 2nd a rain forecast cork sun june 5th 2022 as at thurs june 2nd
 Wind forecast for Mid-day Sunday, as at 6pm Thursday June 2nd  Temperature forecast for Mid-day Sunday, as at 6pm Thursday June 2nd  Temperature forecast for Mid-day Sunday, as at 6pm Thursday June 2nd  Rain forecast for Mid-day Sunday, as at 6pm Thursday June 2nd
Wind forecast remains unchanged.....nice and light! Temperatures of around 12 or 13C are currently forecast.....That'll do nicely! Showers, some heavy, are forecast overnight on Saturday, and into Sunday, with heavy spells on Sunday afternoon

24 Hours on from Wednesday, and some conditions have, in running terms, improved, while others have disimproved. Temperatures are forecast to fall significantly, while there is a risk of heavy showers, particularly in the early afternoon

It's still over two days out from race start and, as happened in the past 24 hours, forecast conditions can change dramatically, but in the next 24 to 36 hours, things should become much clearer

rain wind forecast cork sun june 5th 2022 as at wed june 1st temperature forecast cork sun june 5th 2022 as at wed june 1st wind forecast cork sun june 5th 2022 as at wed june 1st
Rain forecast for Mid-day Sunday, as at 6pm Wednesday June 1st Temperature forecast for Mid-day Sunday, as at 6pm Wednesday June 1st Wind forecast for Mid-day Sunday, as at 6pm Wednesday June 1st
Looks like there will be little or no rain This forecast predicts Temps of 17 to 19C Very light winds are forecast


Weather Updates

The weather forecast will be updated on this page every day, until Saturday evening

Weather Update 7pm Wednesday 1st June

With over 3 days to go, it's still too far out to firm up on the weather, but long-term forecasts suggest temperatures in the high teens for Marathon Sunday, with little or no wind

We'll be updating the weather forecast here, each day, until Saturday night, so check back

As of Wednesday evening, it's looking like temperatures will be in the high teens, and possibly aound 20C, with light winds.  One forecast being monitored suggests temperatures around 14 or 15C, with some cloud cover, however, earlier this evening, Met Eireann forecast on RTE News suggested a temperature of 19C for Sunday.  The same forecast yesterday (Tuesday) suggested that it would hit 22C on, at least, things are moving in the right direction...Downwards!

Sun Protection, Weather, Hydration and Eating advice from Cork City Marathon's 2019 Medical Director, Dr. Jason Van der Velde

cork city marathon medical briefing 2018

Dr. Jason Van der Velde, Cork City Marathon's Medical Director speaking to some of the Marathon Medical Volunteers before the 2018 Marathon

cork city marathon volunteer medical crew 2019a

 Some of the St. John's Ambulance, Red Cross, Order of Malta and Civil Defence Volunteers, after the 2019 Marathon Medical briefing


The 2019 Marathon's Medical Director, Dr. Jason Van der Velde advises that you sip your drinks - do NOT 'Guzzle' every drop of water you can get.  Your priority is to maintain a healthy electrolyte balance. Eating or drinking something with some salt in it will help. Crisps are ideal - now there's a novel suggestion, a crisp station every few miles! 

On Sports drinks, Dr. Van der Velde said "When you're low on salt, the last thing you want is a low-salt diet"..."Stay away from them!"

After you cross the finish line, Dr. Van der Velde recommends that you continue moving. When you stop suddenly, your body has no time to react - your adreneline is still pumping...but you've stopped, so blood pressure plummets ...and many faint/collapse. This is why the food, medal an water stations always seem so far from the finish line...You're meant to have to walk to reach them!

If you do collapse, or you need to assist someone who has collapsed, raise your/their legs. A common reaction is to sit up, when you really need to get the blood to the sitting up isn't the best in that situation


Dr. Van der Velde advises on Sun Protection and Weather Conditions ahead of 2019 Cork City Marathon




Dr. Van der Velde Advises on Hydration


Alex O'Shea

If you think you're too experienced to succumb to the heat, read Alex O'Shea's report from his experience, in temperatures of 30C, at the 2019 European 24 Hour Championship. Alex has massive experience, and has the admiration and respect of everyone in the running community, but still suffered.

Dr. Van der Velde was speaking on Wednesday 30th May 2018, at a briefing, in Cork's City Hall, for some of the 100+ medical volunteers who were on duty around the course, and at the finish, on last year.


tim noakes waterlogged

Listening to Dr. Van der Velde and his colleagues presentations, and the interaction with the medical volunteers, I was struck by their focus on the task in hand. Whether we realise it or not, we rely heavily on these men and women. Most of the time that we notice them, there's little going on, but these guys are on the ball and know their stuff. Their plans are to have an ambulance at any point on the course within 6 minutes


how sodium works in the human body


Help them to help you - take care on Sunday. If you see someone in trouble, flag it up to a steward, or first-aid on the course - they'll be alerted to that person coming along. do listen to the advice, please




Course Measurer's Course Information

Marathon & Relay Route Info


Half-Marathon Route Info

John Cashman (103FM) interviews Course Measurer John Quigley



Cork Athletics Webmaster's Marathon Advice:

Marathon Advice - The last Two Weeks


Marathon Advice - On The Day


Marathon Advice - Afterwards - The Recovery Phase


The Last Two Weeks Before The Marathon:


Cut down on intensity and/or volume


Long Run & Speedwork

Long run two weeks before event: 15 max - EASY!!! pace

DON'T be tempted to do any last minute long runs or strenuous speedwork in the last two weeks, but particularly in the final week. You CAN'T do too little....but you CAN do too much. The last two weeks are for tapering and building up glycogen stores in the body

Do too much now and you'll blow your full potential!

Mon/Tues of last week before event: last speed work - light speed session, holding back or 2 miles med/hard but not all out

Any heavy work in the last 10 days will do vou damage. Its hard to do too little but you can very easily do too much!!



For the last 10 days(before the event) or so, get plenty of fluids on board. Drink WATER often, several times a day - more than normal. By Fri/Sat week, you need literally to have to get up during the night to get rid of excess

Excuse the detail: your aim (no pun intended) is light-straw coloured urine at all times (this is the acid test) [not uric acid <grin>]. If you drink a lot in one go, it will become clear but will return to "normal" after some time (12-24 hours) Proper hydration will keep it clear all the time.  Binge drinking water/fluids may flush out the electrolytes from your system, making fatigue and cramp more likely.  Drink little and often - allow your system to find its natural equilibrium



Alcohol - will dehydrate you - go easy for the last 4 or 5 days, particularly last 2 days (too little
time to flush system & rehydrate fully)

Soft drinks - too much will deplete your potassium levels

Apparently even a 2% deficit in hydration levels will have a HUGE detrimental effect on performance. Carbo Depletion/loading;

Depletion - cutting out/down on carbohydrate for 3-4 days - Probably not a good idea - tried it once. Current wisdom is against it


Carbo Loading

Definitely a good idea. Will be less effective if you don't hydrate AND get plenty of vitamin C on board. For the last 4 days or so get PLENTY of carbohydrates in - substitute carbos for protein



Burns dirty. Eat very little protein in last 24 to 36 hours, same goes for high fibre foods, otherwise you will probably need to stop for a (p)it stop in the first 10 miles or so



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Cork Athletics County Board is a constituent member of Athletics Ireland. Cork Athletics is the governing body, administering athletics, track and field (T&F), cross-country (XC) and running in county Cork. The Board comprises elected representatives of constituent athletic clubs and running clubs. Cork County Board AAI organises Championship races and competition, including road, track & field (T&F) and Cross-country (XC), at junior, juvenile, senior and masters levels, and selects representation for the county. In addition, training and education is provided for coaches and officials. The Board also regulates the Athletics Ireland race/event permit (licence) process for county Cork.
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