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Echo Womens Mini-Marathon 2022 - We are Up and Running! Are You?

We're Back!  41st Echo Women's Mini-Marathon Now Open!

Centre Park Road Cork

1pm, Sunday September 18th 2022


 mini marathon banner 2022



Enter 41st Echo Cork Women's Mini-Marathon


With little over 8 weeks to go to the big day, entries open today, Wednesday July 20th, for the 41st Echo Cork Women's Mini-Marathon. The Echo are Flagship Sponsors, for the 41st consecutive year.

mini marathon flyer 2a 2022

 The Echo Mini-Marathon Flyer 2022


4,000 Entry Limit

With the uncertainty following Covid 19, an entry cap of 4,000 participants has been set for this year's Mini-Marathon. This cap will be reviewed, but best to get in early!

Virtual Mini-Marathon

During Covid, we were limited to holding the Mini-Marathon as a Virtual Event. This proved highly popular, and have decided to continue with the Virtual Event, to facilitate participants living/working away from Cork, and others who may be unable to be with us on Centre Park Road on the day, Sunday September 18th.  Virtual participants will be able to complete their Virtual Mini-Marathon at any time between Friday 16th September and Tuesday 27th September.   Virtual Participants will receive teh same medal as those in the actual, In-Person, Mini-Marathon, but with a slightly different ribbon

Race Information - 41st The Echo Women's Mini-Marathon 2022


The Course                     FAQ


With the intention of enabling a smooth and fast start for everyone, this year's Mini-Marathon will again feature Time Zones. In addition, everyone will start on Centre Park Road, with the Mill Road-Centre Park Road bottleneck eliminated, making for a more enjoyable experience for all, runner and walker alike  

 The zones will be marked on both sides of the road leading to the Start Line, with 7 zones in all:


  Zone   Finish Time 
Approx. Pace
Zone 1 Sub 24 sub 6:30 Minutes/Mile
Zone 2 24 - 32 Mins 6:30 to 8:30 Minutes/Mile
Zone 3 33 - 36 Mins 8:30 to 9:30 Minutes/Mile
Zone 4 37 - 40 Mins 10 to 11 Minutes/Mile
Zone 5 41 - 45 Mins 11 to 12 Minutes/Mile
Zone 6 46-50 Mins 12 to 14 Minutes/Mile
Zone 7 50 Min + 14+ Minutes/Mile


 evening echo womens mini marathon start zones 2018sTime Zones for The Echo Women's Mini-Marathon

Time Zones

Runners and walkers should enter the Time Zone most appropriate to their own target finish time.  If all participants adhere to this, it should make for a streamlined start and a pleasant experience for everyone, runner and walker alike.   The image above gives an indication of the zones, though the view foreshortens them, making some of the zones appear smaller than they actually will be.  Each zone will be sized to adequately cater for the estimated numbers (based on previous year's Mini-Marathon finish times) in each section

There are two primary goals behind the introduction of Time Zones:

  • Improved Safety for Everyone, and
  • A smoother Start for all participants, from the fastest, to those who intend taking their leisure

    If everyone starts in a realistic zone for their own individual abilities, we think that the change will prove a major factor in everyone enjoying their 2022 Mini-Marathon experience


Club Runners

We hope that the changes introduced, in recent years, to the Mini-Marathon will continue to attract club runners in large numbers. The time zones has enabled all runners to get straight into their stride pretty much straight away

...We Like It.....We Hope YOU do Too!!



About Us

Cork Athletics County Board is a constituent member of Athletics Ireland. Cork Athletics is the governing body, administering athletics, track and field (T&F), cross-country (XC) and running in county Cork. The Board comprises elected representatives of constituent athletic clubs and running clubs. Cork County Board AAI organises Championship races and competition, including road, track & field (T&F) and Cross-country (XC), at junior, juvenile, senior and masters levels, and selects representation for the county. In addition, training and education is provided for coaches and officials. The Board also regulates the Athletics Ireland race/event permit (licence) process for county Cork.
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