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Cork Athletics County Cross-Country Championships 2022

Cork Athletics Cross-Country Championships 2022

West Muskerry AC Venue

Sunday October 2nd


County Juvenile Even-Age XC


Cork County Juvenile Even-Age, Under-18, Under-23, Junior & Senior Cross Country Championships - Day 1 2022

Macroom - West Muskerry

12 Noon, Sunday October 2nd 2022

Entry Link

Entry Link on Entry4Sport

Entry Fees: Juveniles & Juniors: €4 - Under-23 & Seniors: €7.50

Closing Date: Wednesday September 28th

Cork Athletics County Cross-Country Championships 2022

Entries for Cork Athletics County Cross-Country Championships MUST be made online, via the Athletics Ireland Entry4Sport portal

Chip timing will be used for all events over the first two Championship days, with a decision regarding chip timing for the remaining teo Championship days to be made, likely at the October County Board meeting.

Cork Athletics County Cross-Country Championship Day 1 - Sunday October 2nd

West Muskerry AC venue

    Juvenile Under-10/12/14/16/18, Junior, Under-23 and Senior Championships

Under-18 and Juniors (4000m & 6000m respectively) will run together in combined events, and Under-18’s will be entered automatically in the Junior Championship

The County Senior and Under-23 Championships will compete in a combined event, and Under-23 will be entered automatically in the Senior race.

The first race, Under-10 girls, will start at 12noon, followed by the Under-10 Boys, and moving up in age sequentially after that.

The Senior Women’s Championship (6000m) race will start no earlier than 2pm  and will be followed by Senior Men’s Championship, inc Under-23 (10,000m)

Closing date Wednesday 28th September

Entry fees:  Juvenile and Junior €4   Senior and Under-23: €7.50


General - PDF File

•    All Athletes taking part MUST be registered Athletics Ireland (AAI) Members

•    Club Colours must be worn by all competitors

•    Pacing of Athletes is PROHIBITED. Pacing will result in disqualification

•    Clubs with fees outstanding from the Track and Field Season will be prohibited from taking part

•    Entries by text or by phone will NOT be accepted

•    Late entries will NOT be accepted

•    Please respect our venues!

Adult Events

•    For eligibility for different competitions see Cork Athletics Competition Bye-Laws - PDF File

•    For eligibility for the various competitions see -

•    Women’s events run first, followed by the men’s events


Photography & Videos

Every person taking photos or videos at these Cross-Country Championships MUST register, on the day, with Cork Athletics Child Protection Officer, or other official. Those taking photos and/or videos may be required to wear identifying Hi-Viz vests.  All images taken must comply with the codes/policies below.

The taking of photos and videos at Athletics Ireland events is governed by Athletics Ireland's codes/policies Code Of Ethics & Good Practice for Children in Athletics and Photgraphy Policy for Schools Events - Athletics Ireland

Cork Athletics records, by photo and/or video, its events, for publicity purposes.  All such images comply with the above codes/policies

Cork Athletics County Board Child Protection Policy


Dogs & Other Animals

No Dogs AllowedImage
Please do NOT bring dogs to the venue.  Only Guide dogs, and other registered assistance dogs, are permitted at Cork Athletics venues, on health and safety grounds. 

In addition, the presence of a dog is likely to impair the functioning of a trained assistance dog.  A person bringing a non-assistance dog is likely to be asked to keep their dog in their car, or, in extreme cases, to leave the venue

Cork Athletics Animal Policy

About Us

Cork Athletics County Board is a constituent member of Athletics Ireland. Cork Athletics is the governing body, administering athletics, track and field (T&F), cross-country (XC) and running in county Cork. The Board comprises elected representatives of constituent athletic clubs and running clubs. Cork County Board AAI organises Championship races and competition, including road, track & field (T&F) and Cross-country (XC), at junior, juvenile, senior and masters levels, and selects representation for the county. In addition, training and education is provided for coaches and officials. The Board also regulates the Athletics Ireland race/event permit (licence) process for county Cork.
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