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Cork Athletics Registration Figures - October 31st 2022

Record Cork Athletics Registration Figures - October 31st 2022

cork registrations october 2022

New October Registration Figure of 8,335, exceeding the October 2019 figure of 8,334 by a single Registration

Overall Registrations as at October 31st 2022

leading 28 clubs october 2022

Leading 28 Clubs by Registration numbers


next 28 clubs october 2022

Next 28 Clubs by Registration numbers

 Bandon AC, on 559, inch just ahead of Leevale AC, 554, at the head of the overall listings. North Cork AC are next, in third place, on 480. Midleton AC, St Catherine's AC, Togher AC, St Catherine's AC and Youghal AC all exceed 300 Juvenile members, while a total of fifteen clubs now exceed 200 registrations; Carrigaline AC, Grange Fermoy AC, Carraig-Na-Bhfear AC, Belgooly AC, Tracton AC, Riverstick Kinsale AC, West Muskerry AC and St Finbarrs AC all have over 200 registered members, with another fifteen clubs exceeding the 100 registrations mark - thirty clubs in all

Total Registrations

Bandon AC 449 12 15 21 62 559
Leevale AC 290 64 27 70 103 554
North Cork AC 398 15 2 8 57 480
Midleton AC 196 7 1 15 177 396
Togher AC 183 11 2 40 126 362
St. Catherine's AC 224 2 1 9 101 337
Youghal AC 148 10 3 22 145 328
Grange/Fermoy AC 118 7 2 13 155 295
Belgooly AC 252 2 0 0 28 282
Carraig-na-bhFear AC 152 19 14 10 66 261
Riverstick/Kinsale AC 207 11 2 0 15 235
Tracton AC 138 3 0 6 82 229
West Muskerry AC 181 2 0 4 34 221
Carrigaline AC 119 0 0 10 83 212
St. Finbarrs AC 0 2 0 32 166 200
Mallow AC 0 0 0 14 181 195
Bweeng Trail Blazers AC 112 0 0 4 75 191
Ballymore Cobh AC 83 1 0 15 91 190
Watergrasshill AC 61 0 0 17 102 180
Blarney/Inniscara AC 139 1 2 2 18 162
Eagle AC 0 0 0 16 146 162
Ballincollig AC 77 5 2 9 62 155
Millstreet AC 115 1 0 0 32 148
Courcey AC 107 0 0 0 30 137
St. Nicholas AC 60 2 1 6 64 133
Fanahan Mc Sweeney AC 113 2 0 0 10 125
Doheny AC 101 1 0 0 8 110
Mount Hillary AC 0 0 0 12 94 106
Ballintotis Fit4Life AC 0 0 0 11 90 101
Skibbereen AC 83 1 0 1 15 100
Durrus AC 59 3 2 1 28 93
Old Abbey AC 77 1 0 3 9 90
Beara AC 36 0 0 9 42 87
Bantry AC 61 2 0 1 22 86
Liscarroll AC 60 4 4 3 14 85
Aghada Running Club ARC 0 0 0 2 82 84
Clonakilty Juvenile A.C 63 0 0 0 11 74
Bridevale AC 0 0 0 11 58 69
Dromahane Road Runners AC 0 2 0 4 48 54
Donoughmore AC 0 0 0 3 47 50
Rosscarbery Steam Runners AC 0 0 0 4 39 43
Clonakilty Road Runners 0 0 0 5 33 38
Cork Track Club 0 0 2 24 12 38
Buttevant RC 0 0 0 8 29 37
East Cork AC 0 0 2 9 24 35
Doneraile AC 0 0 0 2 29 31
Fota Island Running Club 0 0 0 4 24 28
The Churchtown Roadrunners AC 0 0 0 8 18 26
Carrigtwohill AC 0 0 0 2 19 21
Galtee Runners AC 0 0 0 3 18 21
Duhallow AC 0 0 0 3 15 18
Cork Mental Health AC 0 0 0 1 15 16
Rising Sun AC 0 0 0 0 16 16
Shandrum AC 0 0 0 1 15 16
Abbey Striders AC 8 2 0 2 3 15
Cork City AC 4 1 0 1 8 14
  4474 196 84 481 3096 8331


 Juvenile/Youth Registrations as at October 31st 2022

Bandon AC (461) head the table, followed by North Cork AC (413) and Leevale AC (354). Twenty clubs have 100 or more Juvenile/Youth members

Bandon AC 449 12 461
North Cork AC 398 15 413
Leevale AC 290 64 354
Belgooly AC 252 2 254
St. Catherine's AC 224 2 226
Riverstick/Kinsale AC 207 11 218
Midleton AC 196 7 203
Togher AC 183 11 194
West Muskerry AC 181 2 183
Carraig-na-bhFear AC 152 19 171
Youghal AC 148 10 158
Tracton AC 138 3 141
Blarney/Inniscara AC 139 1 140
Grange/Fermoy AC 118 7 125
Carrigaline AC 119 0 119
Millstreet AC 115 1 116
Fanahan Mc Sweeney AC 113 2 115
Bweeng Trail Blazers AC 112 0 112
Courcey AC 107 0 107
Doheny AC 101 1 102
Ballymore Cobh AC 83 1 84
Skibbereen AC 83 1 84
Ballincollig AC 77 5 82
Old Abbey AC 77 1 78
Liscarroll AC 60 4 64
Bantry AC 61 2 63
Clonakilty Juvenile A.C 63 0 63
St. Nicholas AC 60 2 62
Durrus AC 59 3 62
Watergrasshill AC 61 0 61
Beara AC 36 0 36
Abbey Striders AC 8 2 10
Cork City AC 4 1 5
St. Finbarrs AC 0 2 2
Dromahane Road Runners AC 0 2 2
  4474 196 4670


 juvenile clubs october 2022

Leading Cork Juvenile Clubs

Leading Adult Registrations by Club - October 31st 2022

Leevale AC head the list, with 200 registrations, followed closely by St Finbarrs AC on 198, and Mallow AC on 195 adult members. Midleton AC just seven off the lead, on 193. Thirteen clubs now have over 100 registered adult members, with three more within single digit figures off the 100 mark, Bandon beign just two shy, on 98

leading 30 adult clubs october 2022Leading 30 Adult Clubs

Adult Registrations

Leevale AC 27 70 103 200
St. Finbarrs AC 0 32 166 198
Mallow AC 0 14 181 195
Midleton AC 1 15 177 193
Youghal AC 3 22 145 170
Grange/Fermoy AC 2 13 155 170
Togher AC 2 40 126 168
Eagle AC 0 16 146 162
Watergrasshill AC 0 17 102 119
St. Catherine's AC 1 9 101 111
Ballymore Cobh AC 0 15 91 106
Mount Hillary AC 0 12 94 106
Ballintotis Fit4Life AC 0 11 90 101
Bandon AC 15 21 62 98
Carrigaline AC 0 10 83 93
Carraig-na-bhFear AC 14 10 66 90
Tracton AC 0 6 82 88
Aghada Running Club ARC 0 2 82 84
Bweeng Trail Blazers AC 0 4 75 79
Ballincollig AC 2 9 62 73
St. Nicholas AC 1 6 64 71
Bridevale AC 0 11 58 69
North Cork AC 2 8 57 67
Dromahane Road Runners AC 0 4 48 52
Beara AC 0 9 42 51
Donoughmore AC 0 3 47 50
Rosscarbery Steam Runners AC 0 4 39 43
West Muskerry AC 0 4 34 38
Clonakilty Road Runners 0 5 33 38
Cork Track Club 2 24 12 38
Buttevant R.C. 0 8 29 37
East Cork AC 2 9 24 35
Millstreet AC 0 0 32 32
Durrus AC 2 1 28 31
Doneraile AC 0 2 29 31
Courcey AC 0 0 30 30
Belgooly AC 0 0 28 28
Fota Island Running Club 0 4 24 28
The Churchtown Roadrunners AC 0 8 18 26
Bantry AC 0 1 22 23
Blarney/Inniscara AC 2 2 18 22
Liscarroll AC 4 3 14 21
Carrigtwohill AC 0 2 19 21
Galtee Runners AC 0 3 18 21
Duhallow AC 0 3 15 18
Riverstick/Kinsale AC 2 0 15 17
Skibbereen AC 0 1 15 16
Cork Mental Health AC 0 1 15 16
Rising Sun AC 0 0 16 16
Shandrum AC 0 1 15 16
Old Abbey AC 0 3 9 12
Clonakilty Juvenile A.C 0 0 11 11
Fanahan Mc Sweeney AC 0 0 10 10
Cork City AC 0 1 8 9
Doheny AC 0 0 8 8
Abbey Striders AC 0 2 3 5
  84 481 3096 3661

About Us

Cork Athletics County Board is a constituent member of Athletics Ireland. Cork Athletics is the governing body, administering athletics, track and field (T&F), cross-country (XC) and running in county Cork. The Board comprises elected representatives of constituent athletic clubs and running clubs. Cork County Board AAI organises Championship races and competition, including road, track & field (T&F) and Cross-country (XC), at junior, juvenile, senior and masters levels, and selects representation for the county. In addition, training and education is provided for coaches and officials. The Board also regulates the Athletics Ireland race/event permit (licence) process for county Cork.
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