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Cork Athletics Registration Figures - April 30th 2018

Cork Athletics Registration Figures - April 30th 2018

 cork athletics registration plate 180430


April end-of-month registrations for Cork Athletics stand at 6,665. This is marginally down on the April 2017 figure of 6,846 and ahead of the corresponding 2016 figure of 6,049, while the April 2015 figure was 5,531, and 4,953 in April 2014.

To date, fifty one of Cork's fifty seven registered clubs have registered athletes, leaving six clubs yet to register a single athlete. 

These clubs, and their athletes, coaches, officials and other club members are NOT covered by Athletics Ireland insurance for any purpose whatsoever, leaving those athletes and clubs in a precarious position. In the situation where membership fees have been collected, but no Athletics Ireland registration paid, then that particular club, and its officers, leave themselves in a very precarious position, with the club, and the individual officers, personally covering any liability arising.

An additional consequence of failing to register a club and the minimum registration requirement of ten (10) registered members, is that permit applications from such clubs will, as has already happened this year, be declined, pending registration.

2018 Athletics Ireland Registrations are now Due


Clubs are reminded that 2018 registrations should be completed as soon as possible. There was a "grace period" of a few weeks, to allow sufficient time for re-registrations, whereby insurance cover continued, pending registration.  This "grace period" does NOT extend beyond the later end of January, and did NOT include competition.


Therefore any athlete, coach, official, or any member acting in any capacity, who remains unregistered is NOT covered by Athletics Irelands insurance, for ANY purpose whatsoever, including training and/or competition.

Clubs are urged to register their athletes without further delay.



Overall Registrations as at March 31st 2018

Bandon AC and Leevale AC continue to head the list, by a distance, with both clubs having over 500 registered members. Togher AC have over 300 registered members. A total of twelve (12) clubs have over 200 registrations, while another eleven (11) clubs exceed 100 registered members.



Total Registrations by Club - April 2018

Leevale A.C. 361 7 98 59 525
Bandon A.C. 393 2 81 26 502
Togher A.C. 159 6 105 30 300
Ballymore Cobh A.C. 133 1 146 14 294
Midleton A.C. 143 1 132 8 284
Youghal A.C. 135 0 113 19 267
West Muskerry A.C. 185 3 53 7 248
North Cork A.C. 171 2 60 14 247
St. Catherine's A.C. 160 0 70 9 239
Mallow A.C. 1 0 206 25 232
St. Nicholas A.C. 89 0 109 20 218
Clonakilty Road Runners 130 0 70 14 214
Belgooly A.C. 173 0 25 0 198
Ballincollig A.C. 140 1 51 2 194
Grange/Fermoy A.C. 76 0 95 6 177
Carraig-Na-Bhfear A.C. 112 1 40 7 160
Eagle A.C. 0 1 144 15 160
Carrigaline Road Runners A.C. 99 0 48 6 153
Tracton A.C. 83 0 65 1 149
Ballintotis Fit4Life 3 0 98 12 113
Watergrasshill A.C. 1 0 90 18 109
Millstreet A.C. 57 0 43 6 106
St. Finbarrs A.C. 2 0 90 12 104
Fanahan Mc Sweeney A.C. 81 1 15 2 99
Doheny A.C. 86 0 10 1 97
Doneraile A.C. 0 0 74 21 95
Dromahane Road Runners A,C, 1 0 76 18 95
Courcey A.C. 76 0 14 1 91
Liscarroll A.C. 62 2 21 3 88
Skibbereen A.C. 65 1 15 7 88
Bantry A.C. 30 0 38 13 81
Bweeng Trail Blazers 2 0 63 10 75
Aghada Running Club ARC 0 0 69 5 74
Durrus A.C. 47 1 18 1 67
Old Abbey A.C. 46 0 6 6 58
Rosscarbery Steam Runners A.C. 1 0 49 8 58
Blarney/Inniscara A.C. 39 0 11 3 53
Riverstick/Kinsale A.C. 43 0 9 0 52
Buttevant R.C. 0 1 29 12 42
Churchtown Road Runners 0 1 20 13 34
Carrigtwohill A.C. 0 0 24 9 33
East Cork A.C. 0 0 15 12 27
Galtee Runners A.C. 1 0 20 6 27
Fota Island Running Club 0 0 20 6 26
Donoughmore A.C. 0 0 22 2 24
Rising Sun A.C. 0 0 21 0 21
Cork Mental Health A.C. 0 0 10 9 19
Shandrum A.C. 0 0 15 3 18
Duhallow AC 0 0 12 2 14
Abbey Striders A.C. 3 2 3 3 11
Cork Varsity A.C. 0 0 0 5 5
Total 3389 34 2731 511 6665

Total Registrations for Cork Clubs April 30th 2018


cork athletics clubs with over 100 regististrations april 2018

Clubs with 100+ Members


cork athletics clubs with under 100 regististrations april 2018

Clubs with Under 100 Members


Juvenile/Junior Registrations as at April 30th 2018

Bandon AC lead the pack, ahead of Leevale AC, who have over double the Juvenile/Junior memebrship of third-placed West Muskerry AC.

cork athletics juvenile junior regististrations april 2018


Bandon A.C. 393 2 395
Leevale A.C. 361 7 368
West Muskerry A.C. 185 3 188
Belgooly A.C. 173 0 173
North Cork A.C. 171 2 173
Togher A.C. 159 6 165
St. Catherine's A.C. 160 0 160
Midleton A.C. 143 1 144
Ballincollig A.C. 140 1 141
Youghal A.C. 135 0 135
Ballymore Cobh A.C. 133 1 134
Clonakilty Road Runners 130 0 130
Carraig-Na-Bhfear A.C. 112 1 113
Carrigaline Road Runners A.C. 99 0 99
St. Nicholas A.C. 89 0 89
Doheny A.C. 86 0 86
Tracton A.C. 83 0 83
Fanahan Mc Sweeney A.C. 81 1 82
Courcey A.C. 76 0 76
Grange/Fermoy A.C. 76 0 76
Skibbereen A.C. 65 1 66
Liscarroll A.C. 62 2 64
Millstreet A.C. 57 0 57
Durrus A.C. 47 1 48
Old Abbey A.C. 46 0 46
Riverstick/Kinsale A.C. 43 0 43
Blarney/Inniscara A.C. 39 0 39
Bantry A.C. 30 0 30
Abbey Striders A.C. 3 2 5
Ballintotis Fit4Life 3 0 3
Bweeng Trail Blazers 2 0 2
St. Finbarrs A.C. 2 0 2
Buttevant R.C. 0 1 1
Churchtown Road Runners 0 1 1
Dromahane Road Runners A,C, 1 0 1
Eagle A.C. 0 1 1
Galtee Runners A.C. 1 0 1
Mallow A.C. 1 0 1
Rosscarbery Steam Runners A.C. 1 0 1
Watergrasshill A.C. 1 0 1
  3389 34 3423


Senior/Master Registrations as at April 30th 2018

Mallow AC top the list, with Ballymore-Cobh AC just ahead of Eagle AC and Leevale AC

cork athletics top 25 clubs adult regististrations april 2018


Mallow A.C. 206 25 231
Ballymore Cobh A.C. 146 14 160
Eagle A.C. 144 15 159
Leevale A.C. 98 59 157
Midleton A.C. 132 8 140
Togher A.C. 105 30 135
Youghal A.C. 113 19 132
St. Nicholas A.C. 109 20 129
Ballintotis Fit4Life 98 12 110
Watergrasshill A.C. 90 18 108
Bandon A.C. 81 26 107
St. Finbarrs A.C. 90 12 102
Grange/Fermoy A.C. 95 6 101
Doneraile A.C. 74 21 95
Dromahane Road Runners A,C, 76 18 94
Clonakilty Road Runners 70 14 84
St. Catherine's A.C. 70 9 79
Aghada Running Club ARC 69 5 74
North Cork A.C. 60 14 74
Bweeng Trail Blazers 63 10 73
Tracton A.C. 65 1 66
West Muskerry A.C. 53 7 60
Rosscarbery Steam Runners A.C. 49 8 57
Carrigaline Road Runners A.C. 48 6 54
Ballincollig A.C. 51 2 53
Bantry A.C. 38 13 51
Millstreet A.C. 43 6 49
Carraig-Na-Bhfear A.C. 40 7 47
Buttevant R.C. 29 12 41
Carrigtwohill A.C. 24 9 33
Churchtown Road Runners 20 13 33
East Cork A.C. 15 12 27
Fota Island Running Club 20 6 26
Galtee Runners A.C. 20 6 26
Belgooly A.C. 25 0 25
Donoughmore A.C. 22 2 24
Liscarroll A.C. 21 3 24
Skibbereen A.C. 15 7 22
Rising Sun A.C. 21 0 21
Cork Mental Health A.C. 10 9 19
Durrus A.C. 18 1 19
Shandrum A.C. 15 3 18
Fanahan Mc Sweeney A.C. 15 2 17
Courcey A.C. 14 1 15
Blarney/Inniscara A.C. 11 3 14
Duhallow AC 12 2 14
Old Abbey A.C. 6 6 12
Doheny A.C. 10 1 11
Riverstick/Kinsale A.C. 9 0 9
Abbey Striders A.C. 3 3 6
Cork Varsity A.C. 0 5 5
Total 2731 511 3242

Total Adult Registrations by Club - April 2018


Senior Registrations

Leevale AC surpass all others athe head of the Senior table, with 52 Seniors. Nearest rivals Togher AC, have 30, with third placed Bandon AC on 25.


cork athletics top 20 clubs senior regististrations april 2018

Clubs with 10+ Senior Members


Leevale A.C. 59
Togher A.C. 30
Bandon A.C. 26
Mallow A.C. 25
Doneraile A.C. 21
St. Nicholas A.C. 20
Youghal A.C. 19
Watergrasshill A.C. 18
Dromahane Road Runners A,C, 18
Eagle A.C. 15
Ballymore Cobh A.C. 14
Clonakilty Road Runners 14
North Cork A.C. 14
Bantry A.C. 13
Churchtown Road Runners 13
Ballintotis Fit4Life 12
St. Finbarrs A.C. 12
Buttevant R.C. 12
East Cork A.C. 12
Bweeng Trail Blazers 10
St. Catherine's A.C. 9
Carrigtwohill A.C. 9
Cork Mental Health A.C. 9
Midleton A.C. 8
Rosscarbery Steam Runners A.C. 8
West Muskerry A.C. 7
Carraig-Na-Bhfear A.C. 7
Skibbereen A.C. 7
Grange/Fermoy A.C. 6
Carrigaline Road Runners A.C. 6
Millstreet A.C. 6
Fota Island Running Club 6
Galtee Runners A.C. 6
Old Abbey A.C. 6
Aghada Running Club ARC 5
Cork Varsity A.C. 5
Liscarroll A.C. 3
Shandrum A.C. 3
Blarney/Inniscara A.C. 3
Abbey Striders A.C. 3
Ballincollig A.C. 2
Donoughmore A.C. 2
Fanahan Mc Sweeney A.C. 2
Duhallow AC 2
Tracton A.C. 1
Durrus A.C. 1
Courcey A.C. 1
Doheny A.C. 1
Belgooly A.C. 0
Rising Sun A.C. 0
Riverstick/Kinsale A.C. 0
Total 511

 Senior Registrations


Masters Registrations

Mallow AC have streaked ahead, passing the 200 mark, with Ballymore-Cobh AC and Eagle AC together at 146 and 144 respectively. Midleton AC follow close behind, with another trio heading the rest; Youghal AC, St Nicholas AC and Togher AC all topping the 100 mark.


Clubs by Masters Registrations - March 2018

Mallow A.C. 206
Ballymore Cobh A.C. 146
Eagle A.C. 144
Midleton A.C. 132
Youghal A.C. 113
St. Nicholas A.C. 109
Togher A.C. 105
Leevale A.C. 98
Ballintotis Fit4Life 98
Grange/Fermoy A.C. 95
Watergrasshill A.C. 90
St. Finbarrs A.C. 90
Bandon A.C. 81
Dromahane Road Runners A,C, 76
Doneraile A.C. 74
Clonakilty Road Runners 70
St. Catherine's A.C. 70
Aghada Running Club ARC 69
Tracton A.C. 65
Bweeng Trail Blazers 63
North Cork A.C. 60
West Muskerry A.C. 53
Ballincollig A.C. 51
Rosscarbery Steam Runners A.C. 49
Carrigaline Road Runners A.C. 48
Millstreet A.C. 43
Carraig-Na-Bhfear A.C. 40
Bantry A.C. 38
Buttevant R.C. 29
Belgooly A.C. 25
Carrigtwohill A.C. 24
Donoughmore A.C. 22
Liscarroll A.C. 21
Rising Sun A.C. 21
Churchtown Road Runners 20
Fota Island Running Club 20
Galtee Runners A.C. 20
Durrus A.C. 18
East Cork A.C. 15
Skibbereen A.C. 15
Shandrum A.C. 15
Fanahan Mc Sweeney A.C. 15
Courcey A.C. 14
Duhallow AC 12
Blarney/Inniscara A.C. 11
Cork Mental Health A.C. 10
Doheny A.C. 10
Riverstick/Kinsale A.C. 9
Old Abbey A.C. 6
Abbey Striders A.C. 3
Cork Varsity A.C. 0
Total 2731

Masters Registrations

About Us

Cork Athletics County Board is a constituent member of Athletics Ireland. Cork Athletics is the governing body, administering athletics, track and field (T&F), cross-country (XC) and running in county Cork. The Board comprises elected representatives of constituent athletic clubs and running clubs. Cork County Board AAI organises Championship races and competition, including road, track & field (T&F) and Cross-country (XC), at junior, juvenile, senior and masters levels, and selects representation for the county. In addition, training and education is provided for coaches and officials. The Board also regulates the Athletics Ireland race/event permit (licence) process for county Cork.
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